
Why Should We Care What Happens In Lyme Bay? …. asks author Horatio Morpurgo. Tuesday 10th April in the Village Hall.

Celebrated author Horatio Morpurgo grew up in Devon and was educated at Cambridge.  He returned to live in the South West and participated in the campaign to ban scallop dredging in parts of Lyme Bay. He has written extensively on the sea-bed’s recovery since the establishment of a Marine Protected Area in 2008. ‘The Paradoxal Compass’ (2017), his most recent book, will feature at this year’s Hay-on-Wye Literary Festival. It explores the West Country’s relationship with the sea, history and marine conservation.

Join us as he explains that what happens in Lyme Bay affects all of us…..

Chideock Village Hall, Tuesday 10th April, 7.15 for 7.30 start

All welcome, entry £6.00, members £4.00            Raffle and Refreshments Provided

 Proceeds towards Seatown Regeneration Project.  “Saving Seatown for the Future”.

Chideock Society Spring Programme