Tuesday 13th October, 7.15 pm, Chideock Village Hall From conservation work on sea and land, to schemes encouraging flora and fauna biodiversity. From wildlife protection, to education schemes for children and adults alike. The Dorset Wildlife Trust is very active in its wide ranging, and sometimes controversial, work. It’s CEO, Dr Simon Cripps, will be giving an illustrated talk on the work of the Trust on Tuesday 13th October, 7.30 pm in the Village Hall. All welcome. Members free, visitors £5.00. Shortly before Simon speaks, the Chideock Society will hold its AGM and you can find out all that the Society has done during the year. It’s been a busy one, so come and see for yourself, ask a few questions…..and we always welcome new ideas and new people to join in organising things. Coming soon….10th November: Chideock Resident Clive Bath will give an illustrated talk on his trips to India, taking Polio vaccines to remote villages. More details to follow neare the event.December- date to be confirmed: A special fun evening to raise funds for our village hall and the Chideock Society.