Update on Community Group and village help at this difficult time.. Tanya has made more soup. There is Veggie, Leek & Tattie and Parsnip, it’s all for free..
If you are self isolating, elderly or at high risk or you think your neighbours would be interested, please contact Tanya on 07736 516266. Tanya will deliver to your door or if she can’t, someone from the volunteers list will.
3. Jane, Sue and a group of volunteers have now delivered flyers to all properties in our village (as far as we can tell!). Anyone needing help of any kind (including just a friendly phone chat) can call one of our numbers – Jane 01297 489996, Sue 01297 489520, Frances 01297 480833) and we will either do the helping ourselves or pass on to one of our many volunteers. The support for this project within the village has been great so far and so many people are offering whatever help they can manage.