The Annual Pumpkin Weigh In took place at the George on Sunday, 23rd October. This year, Roy Copp came up with a wopper at 146 lbs. Congratulations to him. The event was well attended and lots of money was raised for the Chideock Cider Makers’ chosen charity which was the St Giles Bells and Tower.
Tag Archives | bells fund
Christmas Cards for the Bells Christmas Cards for the Chideock Bells! Last year several people decided to donate money to a good cause instead of sending local Christmas Cards to friends in the village. The scheme was a great success, so it has been decided to repeat it this year. If you would like to […]
Getting There – Bells Fund Update
The amount raised so far for the Bells Fund now stands at a staggering £59,817! Getting there …..!

Chideock Church Bells Fund
For 400 years, the bells of Chideock church have heralded every major event, from the end of the war, to the Coronation, and from welcoming in the New Year to the celebrations of a wedding. Sadly we are faced with an end to this joyous sound, as 400 years of ringing has rendered the bell […]

Chideock Fete – Sunday 31st July 2011
After a sprinkling of rain in the first half hour the weather held for The Chideock Fete and a wonderful time was had by all. The Chideock Society hosted Edwardian Games and great fun was had with adults and children participating in Egg & Spoon races, sack races, dress the baby and many others. It […]