The Ridwood affordable housing development is continuing apace and it is hoped ‘bidding’ for these rental properties will start in Mid February.
People with a local connection to Chideock are being asked to come forward if they want to be in with a chance of getting one of the new affordable homes which will be available to rent at the end of March.
Local builder, C G Fry and Sons Ltd, is set to complete 12 properties in the Ridwood area of Chideock and they will be let by Magna Housing Association to people with a local connection.
Lyn Crisp, of the Ridwood Community Liaison Group, said: “We’re really thrilled to see these properties nearly finished. They are being built to a high standard and it will mean that local families stand a better chance of being offered a property .To qualify for one of these homes, applicants must have a ‘local connection’. This means either already living in Chideock, working in Chideock or having a family member living in Chideock. I’m very keen that local people don’t miss out on the chance to bid for one of these properties.”
The development of 12 properties includes 4 one bed flats and 8 houses (2, 3 and 4 beds). Many of the properties will benefit from lovely views of the local countryside.
Toni Beard, lettings manager for Magna Housing, said: “Anyone who wants to be in with a chance of getting one of these homes must make sure they have a live and current application on the housing register as people were asked to re-register at the end of last year.
“If they are not sure they can call the council office at West Dorset on 01305 251010 to check. These are great houses and a fantastic opportunity for people who have a connection to Chideock to stay there. We really don’t want anyone to miss out.”
If you have any concerns as to whether you qualify please call Lyn Crisp on 01297 489098.