
further revision to the X51 and X53, commencing this Sunday 9th August. TO 5TH sEPTEMBER

Weymouth – Bridport – Axminster X53 via Portesham – Chideock – Charmouth – Lyme Regis
Dorchester – Bridport – Axminster X51 via Poundbury – Chideock – Charmouth – Lyme Regis
Monday to Friday from 9 August 2020
Service Number X53 X51 X53 X51 X53 X51 X53 X51 X53 X51 X53 X51 X53 X51
Weymouth King’s Statue 0530 …. 0707 …. 0846 …. 1046 …. 1246 …. 1446 …. 1708 ….
Fiveways 0534 …. 0711 …. 0856 …. 1056 …. 1256 …. 1456 …. 1712 ….
Chickerell Meadow Close 0538 …. 0715 …. 0902 …. 1102 …. 1302 …. 1502 …. 1716 ….
Portesham Kings Arms 0544 …. 0721 …. 0910 …. 1110 …. 1310 …. 1510 …. 1722 ….
Abbotsbury Ilchester Arms 0549 …. 0726 …. 0916 …. 1116 …. 1316 …. 1516 …. 1727 ….
Three Horseshoes 0601 …. 0738 …. 0929 …. 1129 …. 1329 …. 1529 …. 1739 ….
West Bay George Hotel 0605 …. 0742 …. 0936 …. 1136 …. 1336 …. 1536 …. 1743 ….
Dorchester South Station …. …. …. 0806 …. 1006 …. 1206 …. 1406 …. 1606 …. 1745
Dorchester Trinity Street …. …. …. 0810 …. 1010 …. 1210 …. 1410 …. 1610 …. 1749
Dorset County Hospital …. …. …. 0815 …. 1015 …. 1215 …. 1415 …. 1615 …. 1753
Poundbury Queen Mother Square …. …. …. 0820 …. 1020 …. 1220 …. 1420 …. 1620 …. 1757
Winterbourne Valley School …. …. …. 0828 …. 1028 …. 1228 …. 1428 …. 1628 …. 1804
Lee Lane …. …. …. 0841 …. 1041 …. 1241 …. 1441 …. 1641 …. 1818
Bridport West Street 0613 0650 0750 0846 0946 1046 1146 1246 1346 1446 1546 1646 1751 1822
Bridport Bus Station 0616 0653 0753 0849 0949 1049 1149 1249 1349 1449 1549 1649 1754 1825
Bridport Bus Station 0619 0656 0756 0851 0951 1051 1151 1251 1351 1451 1551 1651 1757 ….
Chideock Bridge 0626 0703 0803 0859 0959 1059 1159 1259 1359 1459 1559 1659 1804 ….
Morcombelake Ship Knapp 0631 0708 0808 0904 1004 1104 1204 1304 1404 1504 1604 1704 1809 ….
Charmouth Church 0637 0714 0814 0911 1011 1111 1211 1311 1411 1511 1611 1711 1815 ….
Lyme Regis Square 0646 0723 0823 0921 1021 1121 1221 1321 1421 1521 1621 1721 1824 ….
Woodroffe School …. 0728 0828 0927 1027 1127 1227 1327 1427 1527 1627 1727 1829 ….
Hunters Lodge Inn …. 0736 0836 0935 1035 1135 1235 1335 1435 1535 1635 1735 …. ….
Axminster Railway Station …. 0745 0845 0945 1045 1145 1245 1345 1445 1545 1645 1745 …. ….

The basic pattern of the service is unchanged, but extra time has been allowed for journeys between Weymouth/ Dorchester and Bridport, which means that buses leave Weymouth and Dorchester earlier. I must also highlight the X53 18.17 [Sat+Sun] Bridport CS – Weymouth. Whilst this is shown as a connection out of the X51 17.25 [Sat+Sun] Axminster – Dorchester, it is not a guaranteed connection! The X53 will wait up to 5 minutes for the X51, but not any longer. We have asked First Wessex to guarantee the connection, but – so far – this has been refused. Of course, passengers on the X51 travelling to Weymouth itself may travel to Dorchester and transfer to a no. 10 service.