

A Letter to all Chideock Households.

 It has been well known for decades that it is dangerous to walk or cycle on that part of the A35 east from the village towards Bridport.  Since August 2020 I have been looking at the possibility of a direct traffic-free route east from the village. The purpose of this route would be to provide a trail for use by walkers, runners, cyclists, wheelchairs and horse-riders which would be free from the vehicular traffic on the A35.

Our Parish and County Councils, and our MP, understand the problem and are encouraging with their views, and, I am pleased to say that there is a chance this idea could be looked at in greater detail in Spring/Summer 2022.

I have looked at three possible routes north of the A35 and one possible route to the south and landowners have been spoken to. However, Dorset Council have requested more detailed information and the routes will need to be reconnoitred again.

One very important piece of information Dorset Council requires is how much support from the village there is for such safe trailway. I have spoken to many people in the village across a whole range of ages, occupations etc. and certain elements of the tourism industry, and I have not had one negative comment about the project. I am of the opinion the whole of the village would support this project and I am asking that you help me by providing me with letters of support or, if you are against such a project, any objections.

Dorset Council must be convinced that this is worthwhile.

To those who own a 2nd. home in the village, a holiday cottage or run a B&B your letters are important as well, and I ask you to pass this letter to those in your contact list who visit Chideock, or who holiday in the surrounding area.

There is much more to be done, and I have not even touched on funding in this letter to you all. Please remember that the trail would be of great benefit to more than just the residents of Chideock. There are the tourists, not only staying in the immediate area, but those in neighbouring villages, or those who may be wishing to walk, cycle etc. to or from the village, or are just passing through.

I would greatly appreciate your help with this matter and any letters of either support or objection can be sent to me – Mr. W Maskell, Simons Orchard, Chideock, Dorset, DT6 6JQ or – email (by 31 March 2022 please).

Thank you,

Winston aka ‘Meash’ Maskell.                   26 July 2021.