
Work to start at Seatown beach in December

Snow at Seatown 2009

Dear Members,
As you know, a major strand in The Chideock Society’s recent activity has been in working with the Parish Council and other stakeholders to secure the longer-term future of the sea front and roadway at Seatown, making this beautiful location more safely accessible for Chideock and Seatown residents and visitors alike. Now we are pleased to be able to tell you that work on the first phase of this project is due to commence, most likely on December 4th.

The work will extend by approximately 25 metres the existing rock armour, to wrap around the rapidly disintegrating concrete standing adjacent to the slipway. The existing wall around, and surface of, the concrete standing will also be repaired.

The Traffic Plan to enable the rock to be brought to Seatown has been approved by West Dorset District Council and envisages far fewer loads than were needed for the original stretch of rock armour. The contractor will be bringing 5 tons of Mendip rock (the same type as the current rock armour) to the beach in three loads, each two days apart, and has promised to avoid busy periods and to work hard to ensure minimal disruption for residents.

The purchase of the stone has been generously funded by the beach owner and the work to put it in place and repair the concrete apron is funded by West Dorset District Council. Work should be completed by Christmas. Further work to improve safety in accessing the beach, improving signage and formalising some of the passing places in Seahill Lane will follow when funding allows.

The Chideock Society