Walking Group
Monday 12 December. Non-members welcome with or without dogs. Meet outside The George Inn at 2.00 pm for walk towards North Chideock, Cancelled if heavy rain.
Monday 9 January – Non-members welcome with or without dogs. Meet outside The George Inn at 2.00 pm, Cancelled if heavy rain.
Book Group
Tuesday 10 January 12.30-2.30 at The George Inn. We will be discussing books by Tracey Chevalier.
We meet on the second Tuesday of every month at 12.30 pm at The George Inn.
Lunch and Natter
Wednesday 18 January at 12.30 pm. Venue to be announced. There will be a board to sign at the January meeting
Monday 23 January. Friendly skittles at The Clock. Sandwiches will be available. Start at 12 noon and husbands and partners are welcome as well. There will be a board to sign at the January Meeting