Sadly many readers will be aware of the passing in April this year of artist Ian Dunn, from Bridport’s St. Michael’s Studios. Those who knew him will remember his humour, good nature and intelligence and also his thoughtful but strikingly colourful, often large, acrylic paintings and his drawings of a quite different nature. Previously it had been a working studio for Ian but earlier this year his studio was set up by our sons more as a gallery not only to display some of his work but as a surprise for Ian, which it was!
It has been extremely sad to lose Ian but now of course we must prepare to find suitable homes for the contents of his studio from 12B St. Michael’s – all ideas are welcome. Previously it had been his working studio tucked away, as he wanted, rather quietly in a little offshoot from Foundry Lane, in the second of the trading estate yards, at the very back of the St. Michael’s Studios building, close to the bottom of Gundry Lane.
Due to the circumstances of course we will only keep the studio for another few weeks and a new tenant has already been found to fill Ian’s place. Consequently towards the end of September we plan to take down his work.
A number of people have asked if they could visit the studio before it goes and we hope to arrange a few times to view it, possibly during the week beginning September 7th by prior arrangement, just so that it can be manned. So, if you would like to contact us, please do on
Meanwhile thank you again to all those who have been so supportive to us recently and particularly to Haywards of St. Michael’s Trading Estate for their great help and consideration during this time.
Diana Lethbridge