

Just a warning to everyone. On Sunday late afternoon a woman entered my house by the back door and stole my purse. We did hear a noise and when Dave went to investigate she was back out in the lane. He asked what she was doing but she kept mumbling about directions to a Bed & Breakfast. During the next two hours she used my card in outlets between Bridport, Beaminster and Chard. As many of you know we have a very large dog Great Dane/German Shepherd who fortunately or unfortunately (depending on your view) was in another part of the house at the time albeit she did hear the intruder hence Dave went to investigate. Looks like we will have to live like prisoners in locked houses in our beautiful part of the world which is so sad. Be very vigilant as I am sure these thieves take advantage of the fact that large number of holidaymakers like to walk around our village and they just try to blend in whilst looking at houses they can steal from. The woman was between 25 to 30, about 5ft2inches, dark hair, jeans and blue/white striped top. She stole a purse that was bright red just in case anyone finds it dumped anywhere.  Lyn Crisp – Editor