

  Well there we have it!  After reading an ‘anonymous’ letter in the February edition of the Chideock News seemingly praising the leadership of Chideock Parish Council we now learn of the Budget for 2025/2026.  As myself, and others, predicted in letters back in October and November we will all have to face an increase in the precept (money from the council tax which goes to the parish council).  As the CPC state in their ‘Minutes of Working Group Meeting’ – ( yes, meetings ‘held behind closed doors ‘which WE the public are excluded from) having lost all volunteers the precept will now have to include ALL works to be paid for which were previously carried out by volunteers.  The ‘volunteers’ appeared to be doing a lot of work as the proposed increase to the precept is 49%!  The increase in Clerks expenses and salary goes from £6250 in 2024/2025 to £14,370 (2025/2026) (maybe the clerks increase in hours is to cover all the ‘behind closed doors’ meetings they appear to have).   Open Spaces Maintenance is up by over £1,000.  Audit and Legal Fees have gone up from £60 to £1,000. It also appears an additional £3,600 is being taken from Treasurers Reserve (they call it Cash Reserve) otherwise our increase would be even higher. They state complacently that this will be an increase of only about £20 a year for Band D but obviously a lot more for people in Band E,F,G and H. And £20 a year is a lot for someone when there is obviously going to be an increase in the Council Tax as well.  Perhaps you are all happy to pay this extra 49% but we are certainly not.  In the last six months we feel money has been wasted on a new website, a logo, unnecessary legal advice, additional expenses for the ‘Working Group Meetings’ which we are EXCLUDED from attending. Decisions are ‘nodded’ through at the Parish Council Meeting without debate. This is not open and transparent democracy. You can check the above out under ‘GENERAL PURPOSE WORKING GROUP MEETING AT CHIDEOCK VILLAGE HALL 12 th DECEMBER 2024 AT 1 PM MINUTES on the Chideock Parish Council website

The Parish Council Meeting you are allowed to attend is next Tuesday 28th January at 10.00am in the village hall where this increase will be voted on. Unlike the ‘anonymous’ letter to the Chideock News we are not afraid to put our names to this statement. We do not believe that ‘anonymous’ letters should be published in the Chideock News. Stating you are a Resident and Churchgoer points the finger at a lot of people who would maybe not agree with the sentiments in the letter written.

Lyn Crisp & George Dunn