

After torrential rain and a high tide many chideock residents woke up to floods.  Mill Lane and the Playing Field were particularly hard hit as were Seahill Lane, Pettycrate Lane, Main Street and other areas.  After frantic phone calls for sandbags to te WDDC hotline not much was forthcoming so local residents set to with bags, sacks etc., to find sand and make sandbags to protect their homes.  As the tide started going out the river which was bursting it’s banks in places subsided a little and the watercourses, drains etc., were able to cope again.  It should be noted that most surface water drains lead to the river eventually but the sewage system in Mill Lane was also overloaded so sewage was also coming up into the lane.  The Emergency services have attended a couple of cottages in the Main Road and Fairfax to pump out where necessary. However, with rain continuing and another High Tide at 10.00 pm this evening everyone must be alert for more flooding.  The Environment Agency are aware of the problem but little can be done as flooding is widespread in the whole area. please check the ‘useful numbers’ on the website for emergency telephone numbers.
