

Chideock WI Chideock W.I. Report of Monthly Meeting on Tuesday 4th October 2016 “Home grown Talent ” was certainly in evidence at Chideock W.I. on 4th September. As an alternative to an outside speaker we decided to utilise some of our own available talent. It was quite a revelation to realise how much expertise in a variety of areas existed among our own members.  After carrying out the usual business we had opportunity to try some tasty morsels with our cup of tea. Unusual recipe’s included fruity mince pies without suet, a quiche made without using eggs, and dainty sandwiches containing ginger and cheese. This was just the start. We had demonstrations of spinning and learnt about the fibres that can be used. Unlikely materials including Milk Protein, Angora rabbit and even Dog Hair, as well as information about dyes, blending and mixing. Other skills included Art, Cross Stitch, Books, Computer Knowledge and Needlecraft as we watched   Beverly Taylor create a fabric bag together with a display of items from her own designs. Each skill had a brief introduction with ample time for advice and questioning. We came to the conclusion that there were so many hidden talents among our members that perhaps we could repeat the idea later. Formation of a Book club and a walking group are just a start of extra activities which planned. By  Iris Jones.
