

Towards Golden Cap
The Chideock Society recently applied for a grant from the Coastal Revival Fund (administered by the Department for Communities and Local Government) and is pleased to announce that it is one of 10 projects in Dorset to be awarded funding. We have been awarded £11,000  and have pledged to provide an additional £1,000 from our own funds, giving a total of £12,000, which has to be spent before the end of March 2016.

The project is to “develop a Feasibility Study for the much needed restoration / regeneration of the deteriorating beach frontage of the World Heritage Site at Seatown and adjacent areas and ensuring that the visitor and residents experience is improved and optimised.”

A consultant has been engaged to work on the project and all land owners at Seatown will be involved, as well as Chideock and Seatown residents. A consultation event will be held in the Village Hall for everyone to attend and comment on what is proposed.

The next step will be to apply for further government and other funding to take the project forward and deliver identified improvements.

Please contact Kate 489422 or Sal 01308 426327 if you would like  further information.