

Residents of Chideock and Seatown who are interested in the Government funded Coastal Revival Scheme attended a meeting in the Village Hall to hear an progress report on the Seatown Regeneration Project. Every household in the parish had already received the details of the project and been invited to send their comments, suggestions and ideas on “Saving Seatown for the Future”, by email, phone or suggestion boxes placed in the Village Shop and pubs.Twenty four residents joined 21 landowners and stakeholders for a powerpoint presentation by Simon Williams, leader of the Feasibility Study Team. This covered a brief history of the funding bid and research carried out so far on some of the problems, safer access, car parking improvements including provision for the disabled and clearer effective, signage.

The aims of the project are to find solutions to problems, identified by residents over many years, which have got worse due to an increased number of storms and too much traffic trying to access Seatown along the narrow lanes making any visit by foot, wheelchair, horse, bike or car an unpleasant and frustrating experience.

Questions,concerns and comments were invited from those present which led to lively discussion and many points were noted by the Team for further research.

Another meeting has been arranged for Saturday 12th March, 11a.m. in the Village Hall. Due to the tight deadline for submitting the Feasibility Study, further comments can only be considered before March 5th—suggestion boxes will re-appear in the Village Shop, The George Inn and Anchor Inn, or email