

The Chideock Defibrillator Steering Committee are delighted to announce that our bid to the British Heart Foundation to supply the village with a defibrillator has been successful and that we are now the proud owners of a Zoll AED Plus defibrillator.

The British Heart Foundation required a contribution from the village of £400 and we are very grateful to Chideock WI for their donation of £400 to cover this. All we need now is somewhere to position the defibrillator and a cabinet, with suitable signs, to house it. We anticipate that this will cost a further £500 and we would be very grateful for any contributions that residents or local businesses feel able to make. With an ageing population in the village, large numbers of visitors in the summer and heavy traffic passing on the A35 this will be a welcome addition to facilities in the village. Of course we hope we don’t have to use it but it is comforting to know it will be there. Donations should be made payable to Chideock Society and sent c/o Little Winnford, Mill Lane, Chideock DT6 6JS. The Chideock Society are kindly acting as our bankers as the Steering Committee does not have a bank account.