
ANNUAL PARISH MEETING – Tuesday 10th May at 7.00 for 7-30 in the village hall

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Tuesday 10th May at 7-00pm for refreshments with the meeting commencing at 7-30pm prompt in the Village Hall.  This is an opportunity to listen to  what all the different Groups of the village have been up to over the last year.  This is not a Parish Council Meeting but is organised by the Parish Council. The Parish Council will also give a report as will your local County Councillor and District Councillor if they are able to attend. It is always so interesting to learn what is available in the village from Art Group to W.I., Bopper Bus, Friends of St.Giles, Fete Committee, Chideock Players etc.,  This is also an opportunity to bring any concerns you have to the Parish Council for them to discuss at future PC Meetings. Refreshments courtesy of Chideock Society.