The Chideock 100 Club Draw results for June were as follows: 1st Prize – No 8, Lesley Short £30. 2nd Prize – No 114 Mr. Neil Middleton, £20 and 3rd Prize – No.93, Val Cowell, £10. The twelve months subscriptions for the 100 Club are nearing completion and it will soon be time to remind members to renew their subscription. You may pay anytime but no later than September 30th. It is hoped that all will continue and that more may join because it has been extremely helpful towards the Chideock News publishing costs – a total of £773 has been donated. The aim this year is to donate equally between The Chideock News and the Chideock Village Hall. If you wish to continue or join in this worthwhile fundraising please phone Tony Fuller on 01297 489477