Works are progressing extremely well with regard to the Bells at St.Giles with the old re-tuned bells being returned on 20th June and the new bell to be delivered this week. The new frame has been fitted and all building works completed. Dave Symonds, Richard Benjamin, Bill Harrington and Nick Mudford have all taken time off in order to help Taylors Bells Specialists in the unloading and fitting of the new frame and bells. It must be said that local residents have been great in supplying tea and cakes to ‘keep up the strength’ of all involved and whilst North Road has been closed off at times everyone has been very helpful and a good community spirit has prevailed. A viewing platform has been made and during two weekends in July there will be the opportunity for villagers to inspect the new bells and frame. There is a determination by the Bells Project Team that the ‘bells will ring out’ for the wedding of Kate Pettifer on 7th July. I am sure everyone is looking forward to the sound of the bells ringing out over the village once again.