
A Pre-Christmas Brunch Saturday 26th October in the Village Hall

Turkey Cranberry Sandwich

The Chideock & Symondsbury Weldmar Fundraising Committee invite you to

A Pre-Christmas Brunch
Chideock Village Hall Saturday 26th October 12o’clock– 3pm in the  Village Hall

Registered Charity No. 1000414

Come and enjoy our festive Turkey or Gammon Baps with all the trimmings and
something special for our veggie friends.

Coffee, Tea, Mulled Wine, Mince Pies
You will also have the opportunity to order your Weldmar Christmas cards, calendars and other merchandise.
Tickets available from :
Duncan & Philippa Salter—01297 489632
Jane Tamone 01308 424406
Tickets £12 in advance
All proceeds to Weldmar Hospicecare Trust