


Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice – Various Roads, North Chideock
We need to temporarily restrict the use of various roads listed below To enable us to safely carry out surface dressing to the road, we need to temporarily close:
Venn Lane 10th May – 15th May 2017
Brighthay Lane 10th May – 15th May 2017
Hell Lane 10th May – 15th May 2017
Butt Lane 10th May – 15th May 2017
Carter’s Lane 10th May – 15th May 2017
North Road 11th May – 16th May 2017
Yenhay Lane 11th May – 16th May 2017
The scheme itself will be carried out using rolling road closures, weather permitting. Whilst each road is closed a signed local diversion will be put up to enable traffic to travel around the closed section with gatemen posted at points of closure to address any queries.
The closure will be in place between the hours of 08:30 and 17:00 hours. The road will be open at night and on
weekends. The detail of the section of road affected is on the attached plan. No two roads will be closed at the same
time. Allowances for school transport will be made, if you can; please provide us, in email, with vehicle registrations and a time period they could pass through the closure so we are aware.
Vehicular and pedestrian access will be maintained. However there maybe a time where public are asked to wait whilst the works pass. A small surplus of loose chippings will remain on the surface for up to 48 hours. This will be removed by a suction sweeper.
If you want to discuss any issues regarding the closures please contact me
Yours sincerely Steve Higgs, Site Agent Dorset Highways, Dorset County Council. Email – Telephone – 01305 221000